Sunday, June 14, 2009

Off track already?

So on Friday, my bf and I went to a Mexican restaurant. I started the day off determined to do well: I used only 8 of my 26 points the whole day leading up to the restaurant, and I hadn't used any of my weekly points left. I also made sure to get in a bike ride, despite the 93 degree heat of that day. I thought that with 18 daily points and 35 weekly points, I had 53 free points and that that was a nicely sized buffer so I didn't have to worry about what I ate at the restaurant. Well, I was wrong... perhaps ordering their legendary nachos as an appetizer was a mistake. Perhaps ordering a chicken dish with a creamy sauce was also a mistake. Or perhaps ordering fried ice cream for dessert was a mistake. Really, the mistake was doing all three together. any 1 or even 2 of those things by itself would have been fine. But when I got home I tallied up the points as best I could without nutritional information from that specific restaurant, and I had gone slightly over 53 points - I think it was 56. Yikes! That wouldn't have been so bad, but the next day I had to go to a wedding with my cousin. At the reception there were hors devours (sp?) and cake. I had a reasonable plate of hor devours and a small piece of cake, for an estimated total (as I calculated later) of about 18 points! Ahhh! So I ended up going over my points that day too. So Friday and Saturday were just BAD. I failed at my goal of staying within my weeklies, only a day after making it! I am hoping that I can cycle 45 - 60 mins every day and somehow make up for this. It'll probably be either another week of slow weight loss or a gain, but I hope not! Please please please be kind to me, O weight loss gods, for I am but a lowly mortal!

As a side note, I decided to change my goal weight from 150 to 145. 150 is just still too close to overweight for my height. I feel like 145 puts me in a safer area.


  1. torreo's is never good. period.

    i don't think you should change your goal weight yet. wait till you reach your goal weight (which you will!) and then evaluate whether you need to lose additional pounds for your health

  2. Yeah, I think Torero's is off the menu for me.

    And I've been at 150 before, and I know it would have been healthier to be lower. I think I set my goal at 150 initially b/c I was afraid to try for lower, and the overall number just seemed too big. Really I'd be happy (I think) between 145 and 150. I'll have to re-evaluate once I get there.
