Saturday, July 18, 2009

Belated update about weigh in day 7/16/09

This past weigh in I was only down 0.6 lbs from last week. But hey, better down than up. It's still a loss. I was hoping to reach 30 lbs of weight loss, but I guess that'll have to wait until this coming weigh in. On Thursday I went to my boyfriend's house and decided to bring cake mix and frosting with me to make cupcakes. I told myself they would be for him and his new roommates, and that I would only have a couple. Of course, this was unrealistic and I ended up having 4 that day and then 2 the next day. Luckily I am still (barely) within my weekly points and I've decided to ride for an hour every day until Thursday to make up for said cupcake incident. But I realized that before I started weight watchers I would have eaten 8-10 of those cupcakes and wouldn't have written it down or compensated with exercise; I would have pretended like it never happened. Obviously I still need to work on control, but it's nice to know that I'm getting better.

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