Thursday, March 19, 2009

Weigh in day - 3/19/09

I lost 1.8 more pounds! That's good :) So I've lost 14 pounds total so far. I was hoping for more, but I did lose 3.2 pounds last week so I can't hope for two big losses in a row. It's only 3.1 more pounds to lose until I reach my next goal of being under 200 lbs! I'm not sure if it's possible but I'm going to try as hard as I can to lose 3.1 lbs this next week! This past week I know I didn't drink enough water - I got a 2 liter of diet Dr. Pepper at the store and went through that. And while I did stay within my weekly points I ordered pizza twice (hey, it's that time of the month and I had a pizza craving!) which probably didn't help. I was trying to only use a little of my weeklies but I ended up using all of them! But I'm happy with losing 1.8 lbs. Good luck to me and everyone else for next week!